Plan A Visit
First Time Guests
We know that coming to a new church for the first time can often be intimidating. We would love to make it a smooth, easy, and enjoyable experience for you and your family. You can fill out the form below to let us know when you’re thinking about coming to check things out. When you come for your visit, someone will greet you in the lobby and help get you and your family where you need to be. Our team of dedicated volunteers will do everything they can to make sure you have the best experience possible.
Our weekend services are where we come together as a body of believers and worship Jesus. A Worship Gathering is typically 75 minutes designed around two main elements: music & message. The music is played by a live band and led by a worship team, and the message is Bible-based.
Redeemer Kids
We love kids at Redeemer and offer age-appropriate environments where your kids (Birth - 5th grade) will learn about Jesus and the Bible on their level. We have excellent, well-trained children’s and nursery workers who have passed all the necessary background requirements. We ask that you check your kids into our kids’ area so that your children can enjoy a service tailored specifically for their age group. If you’d feel more comfortable having your kids attend service with you, however, this is also acceptable!
The Redeemer Kids Building is located across the street from the Worship Center and houses Redeemer Nursery, Redeemer Preschool, and Redeemer Kids.