Evangelism Tools
we want to equip you with tools through which you can share your faith.
PWR Model
(or PoWeR Model)
P - (Person of Jesus). Jesus is the Son of God
W - (Works of Jesus). Jesus left heaven, lived a perfect life that we could not, and then died to pay for our sins.
R - (Response). And Jesus now calls you to turn from your sins and follow him. Will you follow Jesus?
GMC Model
G – God. In the beginning, God created the universe. And everything God created was good.
M – Man. Some of God’s creatures were the first humans. God created mankind for Himself. Mankind was to reflect God’s glory over all the earth. However, the first man and woman sinned against God by disobeying His command. When the first humans sinned against God, the image of God within them was broken. Now, all humans are separated from God by their sin and deserve God’s punishment for their sins.
C – Christ. But God did not leave humanity without hope. God sent His Son – Jesus Christ – so that we could trust in Him and be saved from our sins. Christ lived as God in human flesh and perfectly kept God’s law. Then Christ sacrificed Himself on a Roman cross to bear the wrath of God for sinners. Christ was buried and then physically rose from the dead three days later because God accepted His sacrifice. Because Christ lived and died, sinners can be made whole again and be restored to God. But Christ only offers this forgiveness to those who trust in Him.
R – Response. How do you relate to Jesus Christ?
LIT Cards
(Love, Initiate, Take) By leaving the first card (business card size) in the mailbox or door of your neighbor, you Love your neighbors through Initiating fellowship with them. This card has a place for your contact info followed by a place that asks your neighbor for a way you can practically serve them. There is also a place for prayer requests, When you fulfill the need requested by your neighbor, you will follow up with the second LIT card. This card is the most important of this ministry because you are Taking the gospel to your neighbor. There is a simplified gospel message on the back which your neighbor will get to read. The card also expresses that you wish to follow up with your neighbor - with fellowship and with answering questions they may have about the gospel.
Three Circles
3 Circles is a very simple, very reproducible gospel sharing tool that anyone can easily learn and easily train others to use as well. You can also download a free app (iOS / Android) on your phone using this presentation to share the gospel. There's also a book that goes with this called "Life on Mission" by Dustin Willis. Watch a video HERE