A COVID-19 Re-Launch Plan for Worship Gatherings
Three of our Core Values of Redeemer Community Church are: Gospel-centered Teaching, Gospel-centered Worship, and Gospel-centered Community. These Core Values are dependent on face-to-face gatherings. Though we are grateful for the technology that has sustained us through this pandemic, our desire has been to return to face-to-face worship gatherings as quickly, yet safely as possible. We truly believe that we are BETTER TOGETHER!
With the recent lifting of restrictions of social gatherings by the ADPH, we feel confident in re-launching our face-to-face worship gatherings. To do so safely, we will need the cooperation and patience of our Faith Family in following the health safety protocols that we have established. Keep in mind that we not only want to protect you and your family, but we want to help you protect others as well. So, adherence to the protocols is essential to us safely worshipping together.
In the re-launch of Better Together Worship Gatherings, we anticipate using the following protocols at least through July (subject to change with further developments).
Altoona Campus:
Sundays: 10:00 am
Oneonta Campus:
Saturdays: 6:00 pm
Sundays: 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am, 4:30 pm, and 6:00 pm
Online Worship (via Facebook and YouTube):
Sundays: 10:00 am
Though our desire is to remain steady in the biblical design of the church and to adhere to Hebrews 10:25 (“not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some”), we fully understand that some of our Faith Family are uncomfortable or cannot attend face-to-face worship gatherings due to vulnerabilities. So, we will continue to offer online worship on Sundays at 10:00 am. Though this does not replace “the gathering of saints,” it is a permissible, temporary alternative. Any individual who chooses to remain at home and utilize our online worship should not feel any guilt or shame in doing so. We encourage all of our Faith family to stay safe, stay healthy, and to gather with caution.
Limited Seating: Due to the Social Distance Mandate of 6 feet, our Worship Centers can only host a limited number of people (25 at the Altoona Campus and 50 at the Main Campus). For the protection of our Faith Family, we will insist on not compromising or violating the maximum capacity within the Social Distance Mandate; therefore, we will be implementing a reservation system.
Reservations: Everyone will be required to reserve seats for each Worship Gathering at the Main Campus (Oneonta). You will need to reserve seats for each person in your family and/or household. Infants and toddlers may sit in a parent’s lap. To make a reservation, please visit: You may reserve seats week-to-week or make future reservations through the end of July. If you will not be attending the reserved worship gathering, please return to your EventBrite account and cancel the reservation. This will allow others the opportunity to worship with us. Seating will be determined by the total number of your reservation, so please reserve seats for the total number in your family and/or household. You will have assigned seating according to your reservation.
General Health: If you or a family member have experienced any recent symptoms, such as: fever in the last 48 hours, a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, experienced new loss of taste, vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours, then we are requesting that you remain at home until you are free of these symptoms. In addition, if you have been in close proximity with anyone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, we request that you remain at home for two weeks after exposure. In general, if you or members of your family are ill, please remain at home.
Masks: Masks are highly recommended, but will not be required by those attending our Worship Gatherings. For your protection, all of our greeters and volunteers will be required to wear masks.
Worship Gatherings: With multiple worship gatherings, we will have abbreviated gatherings of no more than one hour. This will allow us sufficient time to reset and sanitize the Worship Center. All Worship Gatherings will have “live” worship and teaching.
Parking: There are no restrictions to parking; however, we do encourage your to practice social distancing while parking. For example, if someone parks next to you, then wait until they exit their vehicle before you exit your vehicle. Give others plenty of space as you are walking to the Worship Center.
Temperature Check: Everyone who enters the Worship Center will have their temperature checked with a non-contact thermometer. Anyone with a fever (>100.4 degrees) will be asked to return home and worship with us via live-stream.
Coffee/Donuts: Due to health concerns, we will not be serving coffee and donuts at this time. Please feel free to bring your own coffee or drinks. As always, coffee and drinks will be allowed in the Worship Center.
Entering the Worship Center: We request that you remain in your car or outside of the campus until ten minutes before worship start time. This will allow us plenty of time to dismiss previous gatherings, reset, and sanitize the building. We will have Door-holders and Greeters at each Worship Gathering. Doors will be opened for you, so you will not have to touch any door handles. As you continue in the Worship Center, all foot traffic will be one-way. At the Main Campus, you will continue down the hallway and enter the Worship Center through the door across from the restrooms. There will be Greeters and Ushers that will guide you to your “family pod” that you have reserved. Once seated, we ask that you do not get up, except for bathroom emergencies. The “family pods” maintain social distancing of six feet, but there is not enough room for everyone to roam around the Worship Center.
During Worship: We will not distribute any worship guides, sermon outlines, or connection cards. We encourage you to download the Redeemer App for the sermon outline and connection card. Also, if you have your Book of Job Scriptural Journal, you may use it to take notes. During our time of worship, feel free to sing and praise God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength . . . just maintain six feet from other “family pods.”
After Worship: When the Worship Gathering concludes, we will dismiss you by “family pods.” This will allow us to maintain social distancing at the exit. You will exit the double doors beside the drum room. Please do not use any other door for the exit. At the exit, we will have a “hands-free” offering box for those who would like to give or you can give digitally via our website or app. Once you exit the building, please maintain the social distancing mandate of six feet.
Childcare: At this time, we will not offer childcare. Your children are welcome, and encouraged, to worship with you as a family. General Sanitizing: Hand Sanitizing Stations will be available at the entrance and exit of the Worship Center. After each Worship Gathering, volunteers will sanitize and disinfect the entire Worship Center, restrooms, doors, etc.
HVAC System: To maintain constant airflow, we will be running the HVAC system continuously. So, the Worship Center may be a little cooler than usual. You may want to bring a sweater or blanket. In addition, air filters will be consistently changed throughout the pandemic.
Volunteers: All volunteers (Greeters, Door-holders, Ushers, etc.) will be required to wear masks.
Redeemer Kids: At this time, there will be no activities for Redeemer Kids.
Redeemer Students: Redeemer Students will resume activities while maintaining the Social Distance Mandate of six feet.
Communion: During this time, when we celebrate communion, we will provide individually wrapped, pre-packaged elements.
Community Groups: With the end of the regular semester, Community Groups will not meet again until we launch the new semester in August. In addition, until the Social Distance Mandate of six feet is lifted, there will be no gatherings or fellowships of Community Groups (including any summer fellowships). Community Groups Leaders need to stay in touch with Chase for more information and to schedule any fellowships once the Social Distance Mandate has lifted.
Church Office: The Church Office is open with regular hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All visitors will be subject to basic health screening questions upon entry.
Dear Redeemer Family,
With the new "shelter in place" law from the AL GOV, Redeemer Community Church is responding the following ways:
1. We will continue to suspend all face-to-face Worship Gatherings until at least April 30th. Our prayer is that we will resume face-to-face Worship Gatherings on Sunday, May 3rd. Lord willing!
2. We will continue to live-stream Worship Gatherings on Sundays at 10:00 am. The Redeemer Staff has been working hard to improve our live-stream, including adding new platforms such as YouTube Live and Vimeo Live. We have also made adjustments to improve the audio and video of our live-stream.
3. The Church Office will remain closed until at least April 30th. The Redeemer Staff is currently working remotely at home. If you need any staff member, please email them at the listed emails on our website.
4. To maintain a sense of integrity and to serve as an example to our community, there will be absolutely no face-to-face gatherings, fellowships, bible studies of any sort by Redeemer Community Church. We will maintain the "shelter in place" order by holding all Community Groups, D Groups, Ministries, Bible Studies, and Staff Meetings, as virtual gatherings.
We know these are challenging times for our Faith Family, Community, Country , and the World. But, we also are assured that God is good. Though we do not believe COVID-19 is a judgment of God, we do believe that God can fashion even the darkest times into beautiful moments of reliance and faith in Him.
Know you are greatly loved and greatly missed by the Elders and the Redeemer Staff.
Until We Break Bread Together,
Pastor Matt