Why 21 Days?

We fast for twenty-one days because the fast is modeled after the prophet Daniel’s fasting and prayers to God: “I, Daniel… ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full of three weeks” (Dan. 10:3). Daniel sought God earnestly by fasting from meat and other delicacies for twenty-one days. Daniel demonstrated that God was more important than food to him. But is that true for us? As Pastor Matt asked us recently in a sermon: “Do you enjoy the word of God more than food?

We know that we receive the knowledge of God most fully and finally in His word. And when we fast to God, praying through His word, our own hearts are changed in the process. Our hearts begin to desire God even more than our most basic need for food. 

What Are We Praying For?

We are praying because we need God… We need to know His holiness, to know His gospel, to be freed from barriers to worshipping Him, and to be motivated by the gospel to be the church God has called us to be. 

Through the twenty-one days, we as a church will be fervently crying out to God to give us greater knowledge of His holy character, to be humbled by His mercy and grace in Christ, and to ask Him for wisdom and strength to do the work of the ministry He has given us – to make disciples of all nations. We will pray as a unified community of believers through various Scriptures and devotions, asking God to bless our worship, our community, our discipleship, and our mission. 

We need God… The opportunity to seek Him together is before our church…Will you fast with us? 


Submit a Prayer Request

Let us know how we can pray with you during this season